The cold type of sun


The weather in Bergen is schizofrenic and while leaving the house wearing nothing, but shorts and tees, you still have to remember your umbrella for later. Everyone tells me how hot it is and yet I’m still wearing big hoodies trying not shiver to much. Why, oh why?


These days are filled with stressed out friends, studying hard for the exams and coping with all the life-changing decisions.

Old Italy in Norway



Some more photos from me and Mamas trip to Nanna. God I love Nanna! She’s just one of the sweetest and kindest people on earth. These photos were taken right after our Free (the cow) Willy- project. 



Cows and other fairies

CowdyI went walking with Nanna last week, when we passed –  a barely standing – house. All of a sudden this fellah popped up in one of the windows and stared at us, like he was crying for help. I felt so bad for the big creature and so me and Nanna crawled through the cracked window and into the dark room where he was standing, all alone. There  was no water and no food, only four rotten walls. He looked like he hadn’t eaten for days and there was no way we could just leave him like this. So we kicked and pushed the door until it finally opened and the Cow could walk free. My Nanna lives on the countryside, so just a few meters away there where all these other cows waiting for him and greeting him as he walked into daylight for the first time.


Telling Lies

_MG_0047bwWe all tell lies from time to time. Some to make the truth more likeable and some to cover it completely. Some only lie to protect others, while some to protect themselves. To say that you never lie is maybe one of the biggest lies of them all…


My days at the hospital



It’s hard knowing when one day ends and the next one is starting. Every day is another sunday and another battle against myself. I’m not in here to get  a life, just to stay alive. A part of the living dead…

Beautiful child

beautyThere is nothing more charming than a child smiling with all their heart! Thanks to my beautiful niece for letting me take her picture.